If you’ve never carved a thing, and only use knives to butter your bread or chop your veggies, here’s an introduction to the art of sculpture that requires no power tools, vice, workbench, or exotic tools. Learn to guide a knife through wood safely, effectively, and with minimal effort. Learn about trees and grain, shape and volume, sculpture and beauty. Consider proportion and purpose. Go home with a beautiful spoon! Or two. Or three! Chopsticks optional!
About the Instructor
Kiko Denzer been carving with wood since he was ten and later studied marble carving in Italy. He has since worked in construction, community development, publishing, education and the arts. Public works include sculpted earthen community ovens, murals, outdoor furniture and other installations. Ten years ago, Bill Coperthwaite introduced him to the joys of carving greenwood, and he now makes and sells a variety of spoons, bowls, plates and other beautiful household containers, tools and wares. He and his family also build soil, garden and homestead on an acre near Corvallis, Oregon.
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Materials List
You will need to bring:
All necessary tools will be provided, but if you have carving tools, do bring them.
Provided by instructors:
All materials provided