Celeste Noche
Ford Family Foundation Spot

Celeste Noche (she/her) is a Filipino American editorial anddocumentary photographer based between Portland, Oregon and San Francisco,California specializing in food, travel, and portraiture. Using a mix ofdigital, medium format, 35mm, and instant film photography, Celeste'swork documents the legacies of forced migration, assimilation, and how wechange with displacement. The mix of photographic mediums is a callback to themementos her family lost upon fleeing the Philippines, and their continueddisplacement after settling in America. Her work has been published in NPR, TheWashington Post, and The New York Times. She is the founder of Portland inColor, a collective highlighting BIPOC creatives in Portland, and lives in a111 year old house with her husband, toddler, and two cats.

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This is some text inside of a div block.