Participants will explore the possibilities of creating abstract forms using the basic techniques of pinching, coiling, slab, and the combination of them all. By observing the surrounding nature of the Sitka Center and their daily life, the participants are encouraged to interpret nature as it connects with their feelings and experiences, and to remain open to the expansion of ideas. All the works will be bisque fired, but there will be no glaze firings, as time is limited and our focus will stay on creative exploration and form.
Note: Participants will need to return to campus later to collect their bisqued works.
About the Instructor
Ruri has been working with clay for over 40 years, and after an apprenticeship under master Mashiko potter, Tatsuzo Shimaoka, she established her studio and kiln in rural Sheridan, Oregon. In 2004 she had her anagama kiln (wood firing climbing kiln) constructed, named it FuuKooGama (Wind and Light Kiln). She has been focusing on abstract sculpture fired in her anagama and other wood fire kilns.Nature is her important source of inspiration, as well as all kinds of relationships in our daily life.
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Materials List
You will need to bring:
2 pcs of about 12″ x 12″ flat canvas
Lazy Susan 2 12″ x 12″ board (1/2″ – 3/4″ plywood, or similar wood) as working board
Something from kitchen: fork, knife, anything which can create textures.
Couple of plastic containers (yogurt, etc.) for water
Wash cloth for your hands while working
Provided by instructors:
Clay: two bags (50LBS) for each participant
Wedging board
Cutting wire
Needle with handle
Rolling pins
Extra canvas
Small sponges
Plastic sheets
Extra work boards
Banding wheels