The Sitka Center is located on the Oregon coast, within the unique ecosystems of Cascade Head and the Salmon River Estuary.

The Cascade Head Scenic Research Area (CHSRA), where Sitka is situated, was established by an act of Congress in 1974 to preserve and enhance the area’s scenic and ecological qualities and promote a more sensitive relationship with the environment.
The CHSRA is managed by the U.S. Forest Service as part of the Siuslaw National Forest, and the Cascade Head Natural Area is managed by The Nature Conservancy.
Equitable access to and participation in the arts, natural sciences, and nature are central to Sitka’s mission. We are committed to serving and championing people from a wide range of backgrounds, practices, identities, abilities, and experiences, offering access to this inspiring and protected landscape.
The Sitka Center for Art and Ecology resides on the unceded traditional lands of the Indigenous people now represented by the Confederated Tribes of Grand Ronde and the Confederated Tribes of Siletz Indians. We grieve the trespasses of history as we recognize how colonial violence inflicted great cultural and ecological harm on this land and its people.
Caring for and about this land is central to Sitka’s mission. We are learning from the model of ecological sustainability offered by those who have lived here since time immemorial and who continue to watch over the land and waters of the Pacific Northwest. We pay tribute to present-day Native communities by listening and welcoming exchange and by helping to build an inclusive ecological community through our programs.
There is much to learn. We encourage you to visit the tribal education centers open to the public and learn more at and For more information on the Native people of your region, see: