Maria T Allocco
- Writing: Fiction and Nonfiction 2024
Maria T. Allocco is a multiracial Korean and Italian writer with a Master’s in Writing from Columbia University.

Maria has been an avid lucid dreamer and has sat ten Vipassana meditation retreats. She is at work on a collection reflecting states of consciousness from traumatic exhaustion to spiritual awakening. Maria sees separation from Nature as a source of collective trauma and direct access to our Nature as a source of healing. She co-founded the bay area’s first Multiracial Deep Refuge meditation group and has taught mindfulness and writing in ten schools. As Maria shared in the New Yorker, she “writes mixed-genre pieces on mixed-race experience… through lenses of feminism, and also about fluidity and allyship.” Read her in Tin House, The Rumpus, TAYO Magazine, The LA Review, The Lantern Review, The Georgia Review and in Writing From Outside the Margins.