Participants will learn how to make a functional tampico hand brush from start to finish. They will leave the workshop with at least one completed brush and, hopefully, the ability to make more. The workshop will begin with a discussion about the uses and applications of brushes, the sweeping fiber (tampico), and the handle stock (locally sourced hardwoods). After the introduction, we will select our handle stock and lay out our handle shape, as well as our bristle holes. Before cutting or shaping the handle, we will drill out the bristle holes. Using the same drill bit we used to drill the bristle holes, we will also make a template for assembling the tampico bundles needed for our sweeping bristles. Participants will be able to take home their own bristle template/jig. To shape the handle, we will use a combination of power tools and hand tools, including a jigsaw, bandsaw, belt sander, and carving knives. After shaping the handle, we will oil it, and while it dries, assemble our tampico bristles using the bristle jig. With the handle dry and our assembled bundles of tampico ready, we will glue them into the pre-drilled holes in our handle, completing the brush.
About the Instructor
Dan was born in Maine and has worked as an architect and carpenter in China, Denmark, England, and the United States. He makes maps, utensils, furniture, buildings, and stories.
His recent work has explored and documented lobster fishing territory in the Gulf of Maine, the practice and tradition of “bodging”, or working with green wood, in southern England, and the history of broom-making in the United States.
In 2021, he moved to Portland, OR, where he started Bad Dogs Studio with his sister, Rachel. Bad Dogs make functional objects from wood, clay, and plant materials. Their work explores rituals and habits within the home, as well as the craft traditions and techniques associated with those rituals. They are constantly designing, making, and dreaming up the next creative side project.
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Materials List
You will need to bring:
All materials provided
Provided by instructors:
Jig Saw
Belt Sander
Band Saw
Draw knives
Extra PPE
Finish Wax/Oil Blend
Bristle Jig material
Hardwood Handle Blank