In this workshop we will explore Sitka’s nearby Crowley Creek ecosystem using multiple lenses to understand how our perceptions are tied to the methods we use to resolve them, and the methods we use to portray them. At the landscape scale, we will collect samples (plants, water, insects and soil) and data (temperature, pH, salinity) along transects. In the studio participants will examine material collected under the microscope. We will use drawing and gel printing (or a medium of your choice) to explore how our perceptions change with scale, and how data and maps can be incorporated into art.
Microbiologist and glass artist Jerri Bartholomew teaches an Art-Sci course at Oregon State University where students artistically explore the microbial world around them. She uses microbial images in her own art, and her collaboration with other artists examining stinging cells of jellyfish and other cnidaria was featured recently in SciArt Magazine. More information about Jerri can be found at;
Optional - Art supplies to work in the medium of your choice (e.g. photography, painting, writing, sketching)
Sketchbook or journal and pens for taking notes and sketching
Clothes for field observations in a wetland
Collection vials and sampling equipment
Instruments for collecting data in the field
Art material for printmaking project